



Sourcing sustainable raw materials


We are aware of our social, ecological and corporate responsibility – especially with regard to our supply chains. As a multinational, values-driven, family-owned company based in Germany that is guided by the principles of sustainability, we are fully committed to respecting applicable human and environmental rights and to exercising human rights and environmental due diligence. We are firmly convinced that sustainable corporate success must be based on a foundation that includes continuous compliance with legal requirements, industry standards and self-imposed rules that go above and beyond these.

As a consequence, we only work with suppliers that meet the requirements of the CRONIMET Supplier Code of Conduct.

Our Policy Statement on Respect for Human Rights and the Environment can be found here.



We have established special processes and requirements for metals and minerals that could originate from conflict-affected and high-risk areas in order to ensure compliance with the requirements of the EU Conflict Minerals Regulation (EU) 2017/821 in particular, which lays down supply chain due diligence obligations. The following aspects should be emphasized here:

  • CRONIMET condemns all activities in the raw materials sector that involve illegal or unlawful exploitation of ores, that directly or indirectly fund or benefit armed groups in conflict zones, or that contribute to serious human rights abuses.

  • CRONIMET fully supports the activities of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) that address these risks and implements the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict Effected and High-Risk Areas (OECD Guidance).

  • CRONIMET only works with suppliers that meet the requirements of the CRONIMET Supplier Code of Conduct with regard to human and labour rights, environmental protection, business ethics, due diligence and conflict-free origin.

  • CRONIMET does not use metals and minerals from conflict and high-risk areas for the production of its products and thus complies with the EU Conflict Minerals Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2017/821) and the requirements of Section 1502 of the Dodd-Frank Act.

You can learn more about our supply chain policy here.

You find the Annual Reports on Metals and Minerals from Conflict and High-Risk Areas here: 20212022 and 2023.  

You find the summary report on conflict minerals according to (EU) 2017/821 here.

You are welcome to report violations of the CRONIMET Supply Chain Policy or Supplier Code of Conduct via our anonymous whistleblowing system or directly to our Compliance Department: compliance[at]

What can we
do for you?

If you have any questions, suggestions
or just need more information,
feel free to contact us!

Südbeckenstr. 22
76189 Karlsruhe

+ 49 (0) 721-95 225-0